Our Mental health is the state of our well being, emotionally, psychologically and cognitively. It determines how we think, behave, process and react to things. Why don’t we pay attention to our mental health? Why don’t we protect our mental health from bad energy that corrupts our health? Our mental health is like a temple, we must honour it. Physical health and Mental health are important and both play a major role in our health interchangeably. No one should be placed above the other. We must learn to understand that they work together. If your mental health is failing, your body in response fails. We must protect it at all costs. We must learn to make beneficial choices that favors our mental health. We are in charge of our choices , no one has the power to make our choices for us. Therefore we must only allow ourselves to make the right choices for us.
How to take care of your mental health
Read motivational books.
Go to where you’re appreciated.
Move with people who are genuinely interested in your growth and likewise.
Learn to appreciate people.
Apologize when wrong.
Live your life.
Take care of yourself e.g Exercising, Eat healthy.
Radiate positive energy.
Take care of your physical being.
Have an accountability partner: Find that person in your life who you can tell your struggles e.g a safe space.
The Benefits of taking Care of your Mental Health
Increase in Productivity.
Better Mood.
Kills Stress.
Healthy relationship.
You radiate positive energy.
It improves your health.
Better decision making.
You exude positive energy and it rubs off on people around you and vice versa.
Believe in yourself
It’s a lifestyle.
A mantra for our mental health “You’re my temple, I’ll honour you and only allow positivity around you”.